still, nothing to be proud of...
The Federal Deficit has droped belows last years record. The current Deficit is $319 Billion. Watch Bush brag about his so called improving economy, when in reality it is nothing to be proud of for the deficit is still rediclious. It's funny how when Bush came to office in 2000 we had a very nice suplus, then one 5 years later it broke the record deficit. The reason for this is the $1.35 Trillion tax break, and it didn't do jack shit for the economy eccept but us in this whole that the American people have to dig themselves out of. All because the decisions of rich buissiness men. There is also a reason why we had a surplus when Clinton was in office, a Deficit when Regan was in office... Its all because less taxes equalls more deficit. It's basic common scence. It's also common scence to say that the government can even this out by simplily spending less. But they have not. They spend more. This war is costing more and more money every day, and does it help the common good -- no. Katrina -- yes, but still it's not anywhere near the spending on the war. I simpily can not wait untill we have the democrats in power again, they just know whats going on, and a little more about what is good for the common man.
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