Thursday, April 20, 2006

Protester at Bush’s Hu Welcome Ceremony

Today a protester with a press pass entered the lawn of the white house to eventually yell out against Chinese communist leader Hu Jintao. The Chinese President wanted to ensure his people that the U.S. has respect for China. Bush welcomed Hu with a full military salute. During the speech, however, a protester posing as reporter yelled out in protest against the communist leader. Bush and Hu later went on to discuss many issues including the nuclear ambitions of North Korea and Iran.

The ironic thing about this story is not a protester disrupting the ceremony, or the very important topics Bush was discussing. What was ironic is that Bush just finished saying “freedom… to speak freely” in regards to the Chinese people. Here is a video I found at Crooks and Liars.

click here to view video

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